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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace

“No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

What does diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace mean? Is it about the position of women? Is it about something more? Is it enough to recruit a diverse workforce? Diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace is an on-going, holistic approach that produces amazing results!

Participants in this virtual workshop will be able to:

  • Understand what equality, diversity and inclusion are all about
  • Realize their value and importance
  • Learn about unconscious bias
  • Analyze situations in the workplace under the ED&I lens

During this virtual course, we are going to:

  • Define equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Present their outcomes in the workplace
  • Learn what are the barriers to ED&I
  • Understand unconscious bias
  • Work towards breaking unconscious bias and other barriers
  • Analyze the current situation concerning ED&I locally and globally
  • Present best ED&I practices
  • Analyze real business scenarios based on the ED&I framework
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The workshop is conducted virtually and combines relevant theory with practice, based on the principles of coaching and real business issues simulation. At first, participants are presented with the relevant theory. Then, they are engaged in interactive activities in order to work on their unconscious bias. Finally, they compete in a simulation game based on scenarios related to ED&I in the workplace.

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Highly recommended for HR executives and senior level executives, since they are responsible for ED&I policies. Ideally, everyone in an organization should receive ED&I training, in order to embed the global ED&I values in the corporate culture.

Workshop details

This is a modular virtual workshop, with a duration of three hours (two sessions, 1.5 hours each) for groups of up to 16 persons. The workshop is conducted by Dr. Mary Skordia, Mathematician, Mindset Coach, PhD , University of Sheffield, U.K., Assistant Professor of Management, American College of Greece.

The first part is devoted to theory and some interactive coaching-driven activities, whereas the second session includes the last part of theory and a simulation game. Participants compete in this interesting game, while they try to approach real business issues using the ED&I framework divided in teams. Who will be the winning team?

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Get a quote for this workshop!
+30 210 92 11 020
[email protected]