Get a quote for this workshop!
+30 210 92 11 020
[email protected]
Work from Home: Managing remote teams

Being a manager to a remote team needs some more skills at hand and this virtual workshop will guide them into the intricacies of remote managing:

  • help leaders reevaluate their leadership style to help empower their teams & help them prioritize tasks at hand
  • provide managers with new skills to help their teams accelerate towards growth

The content of this workshop is as follows:

  • Mindfulness of a virtual leader
  • How to Plan and Lead an Effective Virtual Meeting
  • Practical Tips for Successful Virtual Leadership
  • Helping the team work successfully together when they are no longer “together”
  • Ways to prevent your team from panicking about the virus and focus on getting work done successfully
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Attending the workshop is possible via PC, tablet or smartphone, provided adequate internet connection exists.

The workshop is delivered in the form of live presentation with a PPT file projected onto the screen, aided by relevant visuals, from our trainer. A set of questions in the form of a poll, will be added in relevant time slots, to help participants better understand the content and help sponsors identify the retention rate & number of participants attending. While the presentation is running participants will be able to send questions or remarks to the chat panel, grouped, prioritized by our co-host and answered live by the trainer. The workshops will be recorded and send to sponsors for future reference and viewing material for those who couldn’t attend the live one.

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Managers of all levels and experience who need more insight about leading remote teams best practices & tips to better handle remote working challenges.

Workshop details

Date: arranged according to your needs

Capacity: 10-30 persons

Duration: 1 X 75 min virtual workshop

Method: live virtual workshop

Delivery language: Greek

Delivery platform: ZOOM

Training notes: presentation handouts in PDF form

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Get a quote for this workshop!
+30 210 92 11 020
[email protected]