We build teams playfully
3-in-1 workshop. Map, train, retain.
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Most sought-after
Sneak peek of our most wanted workshops
team development
Agile Team
A 3-ply immersive approach to a brand new (?) challenge
positivity & resilience
Upgrade your Prisma
A 6-day all-inclusive Workshop on Mindful Corporate living
positivity & resilience
Positivity & resilience
“Resilience emerges from multiple processes. It's not one trait; it's not one thing”, Ann Masten
emotional & social intelligence
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Workplace
“No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.” – Mahatma Gandhi. What does diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace mean? Is it about the position of women? Is it about something more? Is it enough to recruit a diverse workforce? Diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace is an on-going, holistic approach that produces amazing results! Participants in this virtual workshop will be able to: - Understand what equality, diversity and inclusion are all about - Realize their value and importance - Learn about unconscious bias - Analyze situations in the workplace under the ED&I lens
communication & collaboration
Effective Virtual Communication 101
Virtual communication has clearly many advantages including increased productivity, reduced business costs and a better work/life balance for your working teams. Obviously, a large number of organizations start or are already working remotely, so the need for effective virtual communication skills has become increasingly evident. According to 2016 Gallup data, 43% of workers spend at least some time working in a different location than their coworkers and a whopping 31% spend between 80-100% of their time working remotely. However, virtual communication also entails numerous challenges and obstacles which are often neglected in light of the benefits.
positivity & resilience
Mind your mindset
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” - Wayne Dyer
inspirational leadership
Work from Home: Managing remote teams
Being a manager to a remote team needs some more skills at hand and this virtual workshop will guide them into the intricacies of remote managing: -help leaders reevaluate their leadership style to help empower their teams & help them prioritize tasks at hand -provide managers with new skills to help their teams accelerate towards growth
communication & collaboration
Work from Home: Everything you need to know
Work from Home: a gloom present or a glorious future? This virtual workshop will help you optimize your remote work effectiveness.
emotional & social intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: Moving from Good to Great
"If you can't have empathy & effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far” - Daniel Goleman
playful assessments
Team Compass with LEGO® Serious Play®
Trust, Optimism, Accountability & Leadership under a magnifier
inspirational leadership
Lead or drive - that's the question
You must be the change you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi
trust & appreciation
No trust, no gain
Trust starts with truth and ends with truth
communication & collaboration
Effective Communication 101
George Bernard Shaw once said: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”.
playful assessments
Team Canvas with LEGO® Serious Play®
Οrganize team alignment in meetings and bring members on the same page, resolve conflicts and build productive culture, fast.
paper or e-assessments
Team Diagnostic by Team Coaching International (TCI)
The Team Diagnostic™ is a unique approach to working with teams because it regards the team as a dynamic “system”. A team is more than the sum of its parts.
inspirational leadership
The art and science of sales coaching with LSP®
“Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin
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See what other clients think of our workshops
Mahmoud Trikki
Dean, South Mediterranean University Tunis
Cooperating with Summit in the field of executive education has provided a new learning flavor to our programs. Through fun and simple tasks, they manage to challenge and motivate the participants to give their best and be the best they can be, creating an unforgettable experience. We have used the team building module to launch our EMBA program for the last five years. Participants unanimously evaluate highly as a unique and most enriching learning the experience.
Employee, Imperial Tobacco
That was the best training in 12 years! Although I am one of the oldest employees in the company, it strikes me how our "new" colleagues comply with the "features"of the firm, especially through this kind of interactive programs.
Mark Pelletier
CEO, Schneider Electric
The exercises were very good occasions to make "bridges" with our professional lives. The team became stronger after these two days!
Louis Chatenet
MBA student, ENPC Ecole des Pontes
Thank you so much for this wonderful and unique experience in our life. We were so lucky to have Thodoris and Prof Bob Marx. I really hope to live again this experience. I recommend Summit !!! Don't hesitate !
Saadia Ben Amor
MBA student, South Mediterranean University Tunis
Thanks Summit for this wonderful experience, I personally have learned more than I could even imagine! Each of us got in fact out of his comfort zone, and the result was simply amazing! If we just keep just that life probably starts at the end of our comfort zone, that would be in itself a very big achievement for this team building! Thanks again to your team, that made it happen!
Kiki Avgoustatou
HR Manager and Business Excellence , Randstad Hellas SA
Definitely, the LEGO workshop has been remembered throughout the year and we have referred back to it on many occasions. It was a different and good experience.
Employee, Sbokos Group of Hotels
The workshop helped me gain Faith in myself and Confidence in the team!
Neila Benzina
Founder, Director, Business & Decision
The team building for B&D’s managers was a success thanks to you! We were happy to spend these days with you. We learnt a lot about the team, about the different personalities, about the relationships between the different members and about the way we can improve our organization with these people! The indoor activities allowed us to understand many important concepts of management and the outdoor ones had put us in real situations of working as a whole team. All the participants were very excited and they had the feeling to be in a very high level event where they could improve their skills. Many of them have sent us great emails to thank us (therefore thank you) for this team building.
Elena Ioannou
MBA student, University of Cyprus
Before this two days seminar I believed I had to go through the MBA program alone..... Now, after this seminar with SUMMIT I know that I will succeed it with my team!!
Taieb Ghachem
General Director, Tunisie Profiles Aluminium
It has been five years since our 'team-building' session the first module of my Executive MBA Program at MSB, Tunis and I still feel the vibrations and have deep emotions remembering these days !! Our Facilitators were great and this word cannot fully describe the quality of their skills and competencies. Going (very) back to childhood, even for a little while and breaking the ice was wonderful. This Quality Time was the best anti-depressing therapy and the most profitable humanity experience for a 44 years old engineer with a family and a job with lots of responsibilities. Now, five years after, the impact is still strong and the earnings multi strong: peace of mind, belief in humanity, live a lively life, 'conflict solution skills, getting the best out of each individual... And find at the same time, the easiest way of doing so.
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