Get a quote for this workshop!
+30 210 92 11 020
[email protected]
The art and science of sales coaching with LSP®

Transform your sales profile, from the "expert" and the one who directs, into a sales coach, who will increase the dynamics & results of your team and:

  • Mobilize & empower your team members to learn to focus on their strengths, to be aware of the reality in which they act and influence, by making a personal commitment to their performance
  • Overcome the internal and external barriers to coaching discussions
  • Apply a practical coaching methodology utilizing effective techniques and tools that support, motivate, empower, focus on solution and results

We will work & play with:

  • The importance of sales coaching and how it can be integrated into your daily life.
  • The skill of self-awareness and self-management. How it can be developed and how it affects the development of empathy.
  • The power of habit and how our values, beliefs and behaviors interact with each other, affecting the relationship with ourselves, the relationship with our team, and the results.
  • Negative thinking patterns, restrictive beliefs: how we can challenge and manage them.
  • Focus on the solution and results utilizing your own strengths and team members vs focus on problems and obstacles.
  • Supporting team members for personal commitment and sense of purpose.
  • Building meaningful contact and trust with the team.
  • The application of active listening techniques, dynamic questions combined with the art of silence.
  • The anatomy of a coaching meeting.
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Sales coaching focuses on the Socrates principle: "I can't teach anyone anything, I can make him think." It means learning, focusing on solutions, empowering team members, reinforcing their behavior change, empowering relationships to improve results.

The workshop combines classroom education through active learning techniques and experiential learning through the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method is based on research, which argues that the hands-on, minds-on approach produces a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the world and its potential. This is because 70% to 80% of our brain cells are attached to our hands. This is why participants have the opportunity to express their thoughts more openly, communicate more effectively, more easily challenge their imagination and approach their work with increased confidence, commitment and insight.

In order to enhance the learning process the program is accompanied by a follow-up program of 9 meetings over a 6 month period that combines team / individual coaching and hands-on training.

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Ideal for sales managers, team leaders and customer service departments.

Workshop details
  • Dates: 18-20 March 2020
  • Location: Cheiron project Paiania
  • Max participants capacity: 12 persons
  • Cost: €1.500+VAT (early bird @ €1.200+VAT- get your ticket before 04/03/2020)
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Get a quote for this workshop!
+30 210 92 11 020
[email protected]